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1. Should a separate email listing the eligibility status from the benefit issuance document be sent to the same email address that the offsite tool is being sent to?
No, you will be working directly with your child nutrition program representative and will send the benefit issuance document to your representative.
2. Does the benefit issuance document need to be sent in by November 15, 2016?
No, the benefit issuance document will reflect your review period. You will want to work with your child nutrition program representative to figure out when the review period will be, and when to send them the benefit issuance document.
3. If the SFA operates with schools that are participating in both CEP and standard counting and claiming, should they include the information for the students in the CEP schools on their benefit issuance document?
No, the benefit issuance document will only include students from Non-CEP schools.
4. How should menu documentation be organized in the binders for an administrative review?
For the menu documentation, SED will select one week in the review period to conduct an in-depth review, as well as the day of review menu documentation. As a best practice, you should provide the menu documentation organized per day, and per program (NSLP/SBP). For Example: For breakfast, in a binder you will include the breakfast menu for the review period. Then you would start with Monday, and have Monday’s production records, followed by, all recipes, labels and product formulation statements for all of the menu items offered on Monday. Follow this process for the rest of the days of the week, for breakfast and for lunch.
5. Are only purchases made from the food service account required to be reported on the procurement table tab?
Yes, only the purchases made from the nonprofit food service account will be reported on that tab. If you have questions regarding specific purchases please contact you child nutrition representative.
6. How long in advance will an SFA be notified of their review?
Typically, your child nutrition representative will notify you about one month prior to your scheduled on-site review. If you have specific questions about your on-site review please call our office and ask to speak with your program representative.
7. Are there any differences if a SFA is operating with a Food Service Management Company (FSMC) in regard to procurement?
No, you will still receive a procurement review even if you are operating with a Food Service Management Company. All SFAs are mandated to follow all state and federal procurement regulations and requirements.
8. Will a PDF copy of this webinar will be available?
Yes, we will be posting a recorded version of the webinar on our website along with the questions and answers that were received.
9. How any credit hours does this presentation count for professional standards?
This webinar will contribute 1.5 hours towards your requirement.
10. Do we need to use the Direct Certification Matching Process (DCMP) for students who are already directly certified in the beginning of the school year or are they certified for the whole school year?
Students who were approved last year for free or reduced meals are provided their same benefits for the 30 operating day carryover into the new school year. The benefits would end when the school receives a new application or directly certifies for them this school year, or after the 30 operating days the benefit status would change to paid if no documentation is submitted. The direct certification list that was available in July this current school year directly certifies students for the entire school year.
11. Do items have to be produced and packaged domestically?
The Buy American provision requires schools, or entities that are purchasing on schools behalf, to purchase, domestic commodities and products. A domestic commodity or product means an agricultural commodity that is produced in the United States and/or a food product that is processed in the United States substantially using agricultural commodities that have been produced in the United States.
“Substantial” means that over 51 percent of the final processed product consists of agricultural commodities that were grown domestically or in a territory of the United States.
12. Where can we find the Diet Specification Tool to complete?
Your child nutrition program representative will send the Dietary Specification Tool to SFAs via email when the administrative review is scheduled.
13. If an SFA charges a paid selling price above $3.00 at all of the schools in the school district, are they required to complete the paid lunch equity tool (PLE)?
SFAs are not required to complete the Paid Lunch Equity Tool if they charge above $3.00. However, SFAs are required to annually evaluate the paid selling price. It may be helpful to SFAs to complete the PLE tool for this reason.
14. Do SFAs need to try and find students names on the DCMP list again if the students were found in August of this school year?
No, once a student is directly certified from a current direct certification list they are eligible for the entire school year.
If you have any questions, please contact the Child Nutrition Program Office at 518-473-8781 or e-mail: cntraining@nysed.gov.