National School Lunch Program
Reaffirming the Requirement that School Food Authorities Comply with Federal Regulations Affecting Rebates, Discounts and Other Applicable Credits in All Cost Reimbursable Contracts
State Agencies (SAs) have just received another memo from USDA reiterating the importance of School Food Authorities (SFAs) ensuring Food Service Management Company (FSMC) compliance with the procurement requirements. These requirements are established in regulations affecting the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), School Breakfast Program (SBP), and Special Milk Program (SMP) which became effective on November 30, 2007 and emphasizes that:
Updated Information - 6 Cents Certification Clarification
Menus must be in compliance with all meal pattern requirements regardless of the number of serving lines in the cafeteria. Minimum and maximum ranges for grains, meat/meat alternates and calories must be met by all food items on the menu for the entire cafeteria. Each physical serving line must also be in compliance with the minimum and maximum ranges.
ARCHIVED And Justice For All Memo (07/14)
The “And Justice for All” posters are due for revision; however, the re-printing has been delayed indefinitely. In the interim, the 1999 “And Justice for All” posters are to be used in all programs administered with USDA funds. Please note that text in the 2013 updated Nondiscrimination Statement required to be used on all Child Nutrition Program materials is different from text on the posters. USDA recognizes this, but directs that the 1999 version of the poster is acceptable for display.
Water Availability During NSLP Meal Service (04/11)
The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (the Act), Public Law 111-296, establishes a requirement for making water available to children in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP). The purpose of this memorandum is to provide guidance on the implementation of this provision.
Terminating Participation in the National School Lunch Program
In response to the new meal pattern regulations, a few public schools have inquired as to what action needs to be taken to end participation in the National School Lunch Program either in a specific school or for the entire district.
Before you pursue this option, carefully consider all the ramifications of this decision. The Child Nutrition Office is available to assist you to understand and comply with the new meal pattern requirements. Directors/managers all across the State are working together to learn new menu planning strategies.