National School Lunch Program
Sample Prototype Letters
Below are 4 sample prototype letters on changes in school meals for the 2012-2013 school year. Modify as necessary to accommodate your community.
Sample Prototype Family Letter 1
Signage for Cafeterias
There are several companies that have relatively inexpensive signage available for purchase to illustrate USDA's MyPlate icon and/or ways to communicate the new meal pattern. We (the New York State Education Department) do not endorse or advocate specific companies or products. I just want to let you know of available options. Some districts are laminating the USDA posters.
If you decide to order your own signage using USDA's MyPlate materials, I have provided USDA's guide and conditions for using their icon.
Child Nutrition Reauthorization 2010: Cooperation with Program Research and Evaluation of Child Nutrition Programs
The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (the Act), Public law 111-296, clarifies requirements for participation in evaluations, studies and research in the Child Nutrition Programs.
Application and Other Household Materials for Limited English Proficient Households-REMINDER
This memorandum is a reminder to Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) of their responsibilities to Limited English Proficient (LEP) households in the upcoming 2012-2013 school year. It reflects the guidance issued by the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) in December of 2011, which may be referenced under
Verification for Cause in the Child Nutrition Programs
Recently, concerns have been raised about school employees allegedly misrepresenting their incomes on applications to receive free or reduced price school meals for their children. As a result, USDA has been asked if a local education agency (LEA) may use the salary information of their own employees, maintained for business purposes, as a tool to implement verification for cause and help ensure the integrity of free and reduced price certifications. This memorandum clarifies the use of verification for cause by LEAs in this manner..
Time for Lunch - Scheduling Lunch Periods
We have received many questions regarding whether or not students must have a specific amount of time for lunch during the school day.
Chapter 296 of the Laws of 1994 amended Education Law to require all public schools to schedule a time for full-day students to eat lunch daily.
Preventing Overt Identification of Children Certified for Free or Reduced Price School Meals
This memorandum serves as guidance on the requirements for preventing overt identification of children certified for free or reduced price school meals, and provides suggestions about methods school food authorities (SFAs) could use to avoid overt identification as much as possible.
Defining Overt Identification
Food Access for homeless and Highly Mobile Students
Many of you often ask questions regarding the direct certification process for homeless, runaway and migrant children and youth as defined by the McKinney-Vento Act. I have enclosed a summary which explains the law and the responsibilities of public schools to accommodate these students with access to free meals if the school participates in the federal Child Nutrition Programs.
We strongly recommend you contact your homeless liaison so you can partner with them to provide eligible homeless children with free meals as quickly as possible.
Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act-SED Memo to School Administrators Meal Compliance
The attached message was sent to superintendents, principals and executive directors of non public schools to inform them of the changes in meal pattern regulations for 2012-2013.
Urgent-Additional Change in State Reimbursement for School Meals
The appropriation provided in the 2008-2009 New York State Budget for the 2008-09 school year for the school lunch and breakfast programs resulted in a two percent cut to State reimbursement. The budget language specifically states that such reimbursement shall be limited to 98 percent of the State reimbursement rates that were applicable in the 2007-08 school year. All prior year claims received for payment in the 2008-09 fiscal year were not subject to the 2% cut.