New SFAs and SFAs that had less than 80 percent response rate to verification in the prior school year MUST use the Error Prone (Standard) Sampling Method to conduct verification in the current school year. SFAs coming off Provision 2 or CEP must also use the error prone sampling method.
For Error Prone (Standard) Sampling Method, SFAs must verify the lesser of three percent (3%) or 3,000 of the approved applications on file as of October 1. The applications to be verified must be selected randomly from applications that meet the definition of an Error Prone application.
*Error prone applications are those with a reported income within $24 per week, $100 per month, or $1,200 per year of the applicable Income Eligibility Guidelines.
If the SFA does not have enough error prone applications to produce a three percent (3%) sample, the SFA must use income applications and/or applications that report a SNAP/TANF/FDPIR number selected at random to meet the required sample size under the error prone sampling method.
SNAP/TANF/FDPIR applications will not be selected unless there are too few applications that meet the error prone criteria.
Note: When approving applications, SFAs should flag those that meet the error prone definition (see definition above) in order to facilitate this process.