To continue the verification process subsequent to household notification, the SFA must either determine:
- If the household has submitted adequate information to complete its individual verification activity; or
- If follow-up with the household is needed.
Following Up with Households
SFAs must make at least one attempt to contact the household when the household does not adequately respond to the request for verification. The required follow up can be done in writing (letter or e-mail), or by telephone or text message. The SFA must document that contact was attempted and ensure the LEP households are provided adequate language assistance and understand the need to respond to the verification request. Please see the “Non-Responders” section for steps to take if a family does not respond to verification.
The SFA must make a follow-up attempt when the household:
- Does not respond to the initial request for verification
- Submits insufficient or obsolete written evidence
- Does not designate collateral contacts
- Collateral contacts are unable or unwilling to provide the requested evidence
When following up with households, the SFA:
- Must inform the household that failure to provide adequate written evidence or to designate an adequate collateral contact will result in termination of benefits
- Must attempt to obtain the missing written evidence or collateral contact information
- Must contact the household to complete the verification process, if the collateral contact is unwilling or unable to provide the requested information
SFAs are encouraged but not required to do additional follow-up attempts if a household fails to provide adequate documentation after the required follow-up. If the household does not respond or fails to provide adequate documentation after the required follow-up and, if applicable, additional follow-ups, verification is considered complete for the household when notice of adverse action is sent.