School Breakfast Program
Think Breakfast!
Register now to receive your FREE Think Breakfast! materials
New York State Teachers who are registered to participate in the FREE Think Breakfast! program will receive a custom-collated package that includes a variety of materials to educate students about the benefits of eating breakfast. Customized materials are available for grades K-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12.
Action For Healthy Kids School Grants Now Available for SY 2017-18
Applications due April 7, 2017.
2016-17 Direct Certification and Mandatory Reporting of SNAP/Medicaid Eligible Students
Online Direct Certification Matching Process (DCMP)
Sharing Aggregate Data and Disclosure Requirements
The purpose of this memorandum is to remind school food authorities (SFAs), schools, and sponsoring organizations operating in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), the School Breakfast Program (SBP), and the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) about data sharing and disclosure requirements.
Data Sharing
SY 2016-2017 Eligibility Webinar
Please click here to access the Eligibility Webinar.
Eligibility Webinar Q and A
1. What if a student listed on the Direct Certification Matching Process (DCMP) list lives in a household with another student who is not related to the student found on the list?
Annual Self-Review Reminder
“And Justice for All” Posters
The “And Justice for All” posters have been revised by the USDA and are available to all School Food Authorities and Summer Food Service Program Sponsors participating in the federal Child Nutrition Programs. Please replace and display this revised “And Justice for All” poster immediately.
The “And Justice for All” posters are required to be posted in highly visible locations in all Child Nutrition Program service areas including cafeterias, classrooms and in the vicinity of or on reimbursable meal vending machines if they are placed in areas other than the cafeteria.
2016-2017 Adult/Student Selling Prices
Adult Selling Prices
- Schools that receive regular reimbursement for breakfast must charge a minimum of $1.82 plus tax for an adult breakfast meal
- Schools that receive severe need reimbursement for breakfast must charge a minimum of $2.15 plus tax for an adult breakfast meal
- Schools that receive under 60% ($3.2199) for lunch must charge a minimum of $3.54 plus tax for an adult lunch
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) in Schools Reauthorization 2004
Section 111 of the Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-265) amended section 9(h) of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act by requiring school food authorities (SFAs) to implement a food safety program. The Reauthorization Act requires that, during the preparation and service of meals, the SFA comply with a HACCP system established by the Secretary of Agriculture. The law requires compliance with this requirement by July 1, 2005.
Child Nutrition Program Civil Rights Requirements
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) is required to comply with the regulations of the United States Office of Civil Rights. Local Education Agencies (LEAs) that receive federal funds from USDA such as Child Nutrition Program lunch, breakfast, snack, or milk reimbursements must collect data specific to their operations regarding non-discrimination and civil rights. Most school districts and many nonpublic schools already collect this data as part of the No Child Left Behind Act.